Do you ask your learners for explanations of the concepts they have learned?
There are several reasons for asking learners for explanations:- Learners gain a better understanding of the subject concepts.
- Learners develop skills of recall.
- Learners develop their thinking skills (understanding, remembering, applying their knowledge)
- Learners are more engaged when they participate in active learner-centred learning.
- Learners can create a positive classroom culture and discover the joy of learning.
- Learners consolidate what they have learned.
- Learners learn important social skills - presenting their ideas and listening to others.
- Learners have the opportunity to try out their new language skills.
- Teachers can check what the students have learned.
- Teachers can evaluate the effectiveness of the methods they are using.
- Teachers have the opportunity to acknowledge learner contributions.
- Teachers can identify problems with content knowledge and language skills.
Which of these reasons are important for your students?
How do you prepare to ask learners for explanations?
It is important to plan also this stage of a lesson. You can:- Write down the concept and what you expect your learners to say to explain it. Do they need any language support?
- Are you going to ask them to explain the concept as the whole class or in pairs or small groups?
- What are you going to say to elicit the explanation? Do you need a picture or a diagram or a graphic organiser to help you elicit the explanation?
Padlet: CLIL Asking for explanations
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